
Sunday, 27 February 2011

Saturday, 26 February 2011

New Aksium Wheels

I purchased some new Aksium wheels the other day for my Tricross Sport and what a difference they have made. The bike originally had the Specialized factory rims and hubs which had Marathon Plus tyres on them.

Firstly I have noticed a big difference in the weight of the bike as the old wheel set were fairly heavy and the tyres at 1kg each were a little sluggish! One thing that I loved about the tyres was the lack of punctures (only one in the 1700 miles). I have heard of people never having punctures with these tyres but I tend to go down tracks that have a variety of sharp things that attract towards tyres.

My first ride was amazing. I decided to take off the mudguards as it was a lovely day! (I know when was that!) I treated myself to a new cassette, drive chain and tyres (Schwalbe Ultremo R1's) and love the fact that I did as it is sooo much smoother with the newer kit.

The sound was brilliantly smooth from the tyres and the rolling wuuurrr noise sounded solid. I was recommended by Borwells Cycles to have tyre pressures of 120psi to start with to get a feel and increase to the max of 140psi if I wanted.

The ride shaved at least 2mph off my usual average.

Update to come once a few more miles have been done.

Just got back from a quick 30 miles an I am really impressed what a difference these wheels and tyres have made to the overall feel and ride of the bike.

Acceleration is more instant with what feels like a smoother flow of bearings. Comfort wise the vibrations are a little more, however I most probably put that down to the 23mm tyres compared the original 32mm Marathon Plus that I used to have on it.

Overall, I am impressed how it has transformed my tank of a Tricross into a nimble speed machine that can still do the miles.

Bought from Borwell Cycles (Thanks for the good advice guys)

My first blog!

Quiet a strange feeling writing your first blog.  To be safe I am going to keep it short and see what it looks like on my blog site that I spend a while trying to get looking right!
